28:27Episode 1
Sam Horn: Introduction
Episode 1
Sam Horn begins a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" which is a series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is John 14.
Jason Ormiston: The Work of the Holy Spirit
Episode 2
Jason Ormiston continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Genesis 1.
Alan Benson: The Regeneration by the Holy Spirit
Episode 3
Alan Benson continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Ephesians 2.
Alan Benson: The Sanctification by the Holy Spirit
Episode 4
Alan Benson continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Romans 7:14-25.
Kerry McGonigal: How the Holy Spirit Empowers Christians
Episode 5
Kerry McGonigal continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Zechariah 4.
Eric Newton: The Conviction of the Spirit
Episode 6
Eric Newton continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is John 16.
25:32Episode 7
Dan Olinger: Spirit Baptism
Episode 7
Dan Olinger continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is 1 Corinthians 12:13.
Greg Stiekes: The Power of the Holy Spirit in My Life
Episode 8
Greg Stiekes continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Romans 8:9-11.
Jon Daulton: Being Filled with the Spirit
Episode 9
Jon Daulton continues a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life" This series is about the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Ephesians 5:18.
Sam Horn: The Ongoing Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Episode 10
Sam Horn concludes a doctrinal series entitled "Breath of Life," about the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Today's scripture passage is Ephesians 5:15-21.