L'Agguato! (Ambushed) - Harvest Productions (Italian)
Harvest Productions - International Films
1h 0m
In Ambused, il terzo della serie Dudley Dumpling, Gramps e Dudley arrivano nella città di Armor del Vecchio West. Incontrano Peewee e Amanda e, attraverso una serie di avventure, imparano a indossare l'armatura spirituale!
Up Next in Harvest Productions - International Films
Captive Faith - Harvest Productions (...
In Captive Faith, three Russian pastors imprisoned for preaching the gospel, find themselves together in prison camp. God uses them to begin a church in prison.
This true story shows God’s providence and His strength in persecution.
Captive Faith - Harvest Productions (...
In Captive Faith, three Russian pastors imprisoned for preaching the gospel, find themselves together in prison camp. God uses them to begin a church in prison.
This true story shows God’s providence and His strength in persecution.
Une Foi (Captive Faith) - Harvest Pro...
Dans Captive Faith, trois pasteurs russes emprisonnés pour avoir prêché l'évangile, se retrouvent ensemble dans un camp de prisonniers. Dieu les utilise pour fonder une église en prison.
Cette histoire vraie montre la providence de Dieu et sa force dans la persécution.