Truth For Today with Dr. Neal Jackson (2024)
Truth for Today began in 2011 with the mission of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World by means of Television and Radio. We believe that the most effective way of sharing the gospel is by preaching, teaching, and explaining God’s Word to the hearer. Man’s words can only do what man can do but God’s Word does what only God can do. Truth for Today is committed to providing a broadcast that each week expounds God’s Word in a verse-by-verse chapter-by-chapter format.
Dr. Neal Jackson has been preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ since he was sixteen years old. He is the third generation of Jackson’s to answer the call to proclaim the good news of Christ to the world.
Pastor Jackson’s passion has always been that of encouraging people to love God’s Word and exhibit it in their daily lives. God has given him the ability to answer the modern day problems people face with the truths of scripture. His preaching is characterized as verse-by-verse exposition, and can be seen across the country through the Truth for Today television and radio broadcast. He has also pastored churches in Pensacola, FL and Atlanta GA.
Dr. Jackson is a man who practices and promotes the belief that prayer releases the super natural and miraculous power of God in the life of the humble believer. His other passion in life is missions, for which he has traveled extensively teaching and preaching around the globe. The highlight of most years in his schedule is the time he is allowed to escape the comfortable life of America for the inconvenienced life of a third world country so he can fulfill the role of ambassador for the King of Kings.
Pastor Jackson is the author of The Coming Destruction of America, My Favorite Bible Verses and The Upside Down Way to Success. He recently received his second doctorate this one with a concentration in expository preaching from the Masters Seminary. He and Tracy have been greatly blessed by God with five children, David, Victoria, Reagan, Aiden, Hayden.
Choose Life
Loving Large
The Intercession Of A Father
A Wedding To Remember
Confessions Of The Soul
Connected To Jesus
Lessons From A Grapevine
Faith Of Our Mothers
The Sweet Holy Spirit
The Day Jesus Played In The Mud
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
A Graveside Service To Remember
My Name Is Barabbas
A Great Big Lesson From Jesus
Real Revival
Loving Large
The Greatest Commandment
Loving The Unlovely
Give It Away
The Greatest Of These Is Love
A Country Under Siege
A Mighty Man Of Valor