Are your trials proving that your faith is genuine by producing patience, perfection, and prayer in your life? Or are your trials proving your faith is spurious by producing anger, bitterness, and doubts about God? Are you seeking God for wisdom in trials?
Up Next in In The School Of Tested Faith: An Exposition Through James
Rich Man, Poor Man
What is your financial status this day? Are you wealthy? If so, does money occupy your thoughts and your time? Or are you poor? Are you uncertain how you are going to pay the rent, buy the groceries, or obtain medical insurance? Whatever financial state you find yourself in today, it doesn’t real...
Temptations: Where Do They Come From?
Are you struggling in the grip of temptations? Do you wish to appropriate the grace that God has given you to be victorious over sin by the power of His Son Jesus Christ? We invite you to follow along with Susan as she unpacks the counsel of our Lord’s half-brother regarding temptations.
The Greatest Gift Of All
Do you doubt God’s goodness this day? Do not be deceived, dear sister! In contrast to those evil things that come from your own lusts, good and perfect gifts come from the Father above, who is unchanging. Have you been born again by the Word of truth? If so, you have been saved from the wrath to ...